The Democrats of St. Louis Park’s City Council unanimously voted to stop saying the Pledge of Allegiance. They have decided to forgo it in order to make a more welcoming environment for others.
These City Council Members are public servants. They represent St. Luis park and represent Americans. We are Americans. We owe our allegiance to our great nation, and those that we have been elected to represent us owe our nation, and those they represent, the duty of allying themselves with everything our nation stands for.
The City Council Members are public servants. Servants in the sense that they work to better our lives, and public in the sense that they are in the eye of the world. Every politician should be a model citizen and be a model American so that other countries can look to and see a taste of our great country.
The goal of the Pledge of Allegiance is to vocally pledge to stand and support your country. It is an honorable act to do, and an incredible reminder for politicians. Before they begin their meeting, where they will discuss how to improve their city, they should be reminded of what they stand for, and what they owe to the country, and the people.
Doing away with the Pledge of Allegiance is unAmerican, and threatens the future greatness of the city. City Council is a local stage for Americans to work hard and improve their lives. Democrats in St. Louis Park have made it clear that they are not working to help improve the lives of their citizens, nor are they working to help each citizen achieve the American Dream, they are just working for themselves. St. L0uis Park’s City Council Members radical, selfish, and unpatriotic, and it is unacceptable to allow this behavior to continue.
As we near election season, we must use our votes to let our voices be heard. We are proud Americans, and we will stand for our Country’s values!
Help us continue to fight against Democrat selfishness by donating to the Freedom Club today!