The livelihood of Minnesotans is threatened the longer coronavirus shutdowns endure.  Minnesota has tragically seen just over 300 coronavirus deaths.  However, this is but a small portion of our 5.64 million strong population. Governor Walz’s stay at home order for Minnesotans expires May 18th.  This opening date for businesses continues to be pushed back and has forced Minnesotans out of their jobs.  Without the ability to pursue business and support one’s self, people everywhere have become weary.

     The first issue with extended shutdown is the information the state has based their protocols on.  Initially, data revealed that an exponentially higher rate of people would contract a lethal case of corona.  This has since been disproven.  Minnesotans were also informed that sheltering in place would be the safest option for the outbreak.  This concept has contradicted neighboring states who have not closed and seen fewer cases.  Minnesota has had more deaths per million than both Iowa and South Dakota.  Secondly, it has been revealed that some doctors may be inclined to diagnose patients with Covid-19.  If a doctor diagnoses a pneumatic patient with Covid-19 by the recommendation of administration, they receive significantly higher payment.

     With the state-wide stay at home mandate, individuals struggle to provide for themselves and their families.  Nearly every ‘unessential’ business has taken an economic hit with the mandated shutdowns.  Many local businesses may not reopen their doors.  This unprecedented mandate has shown every business is essential if it keeps individuals economically afloat.  It is necessary that businesses throughout Minnesota can reopen in a safe manner.

     The determination of essential business has certainly caused issues among Minnesotans.  While it is absolutely legal to go to the liquor store or an abortion clinic; places of worship and education are barred from their communities.  Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka implored the Governor by stating, “If you can congregate at a big box store safely on a Sunday, you should be able to attend your place of worship”.

    Another major issue with the prolonged shutdown is the delayed medical care for non-coronavirus patients.  It has been found that many essential healthcare treatments and surgeries have seen massive delays.  The fear of coronavirus has in turn endangered countless lives.  Furthermore, the state required quarantine has taken a toll on many citizens’ mental health.  Without access to loved ones or support systems, suicide rates have dramatically increased nation wide. 

     For the well being of all Minnesotans- we must open the state again.  Our Government  needs to provide citizens and businesses the necessary tools to operate safely.  They must also allow us to return to our jobs and duties. Our families and communities depend on it!

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